Hi all,
Well I have to say that it's taken me some time to get my blogs started but they are coming along. I must say they can be very addictive and fun at the same time; I should have done this a long time ago. lol
I decided to open up another website (my 3rd) so that I can add on my primitive and country crafts. I did this awhile ago and thought that it would be easier to combine 2 websites into one....Not! So I decided it's easier to have 3 sites instead of 2. Or maybe I'm just nuts. :-)
So to start off I've been busy making loads of dolls for an upcoming show next week. It's a 3 day show from March 19-21. It's been over 3 years since I've done a show this big and I'm really excited about it.
Here are some doll bodies I started working on. I call this my attack dolls.